Update on Dad
Dad has 2 more radiation appts and has gotten through these past 5 weeks really well. He’s had some esophageal discomfort, gastrointestinal issues from the chemo, some hair loss, and fatigue, but overall he’s doing really well!Lucas, myself, the kids and Cooper were able to make it down to Rochester a couple of weekends to visit.
Dad had an appointment with the surgeon today to talk about the upcoming game plan. In about 6 weeks he will have repeat PET and CT scans tosee how much, if any, cancer is left. We are praying that there is no sign of cancer left so that he would not need the esophagectomy surgery (removal of the esophagus). If this is the case he would need PET scans every 3 months for a year. If there is still cancer present then he will need the surgery. It is a high risk surgery that will take around 8 hours.The surgeon was extremely pleased with how well Dad is doing through chemo and radiation! It pays to be a tough farmer. 😉
For the n
ext 6 weeks Dad’s “job” is to get himself into fighting shape for surgery with exercising and a healthy diet. This surgery will take a huge toll on him so if he can get himself in the best shape possible he will give himself the best shot at a successful outcome. Keep the prayers coming!