Let's Talk About Meat

Let’s chat about meat! I grew up on a farm and when I waslittle we raised cattle and pigs. My dad farmed for a living and it’s all Iknew. He often talked about taking care of the land and soil and used no-tillpractices and crop rotating to assist with this. I have always cared aboutanimals and as I’ve gotten older I’ve taken a strong interest into nutritionand how what we are eating impacts our health.
I’ve watched several documentaries and read several articles about how meat consumption is not only bad for the environment, but also bad for our health. I don’t think it’s as simple as a blanket statement such as that. I think a lot comes down to the how of it and I don’t think there is a one way approach to diet. How are the animals raised and treated and the same goes for the land? I received several messages asking me what I thought about the documentary “What the Health” and I think Robb Wolf did an incredible job breaking it down so I will share his response here.
We have tried to eat organic/non-gmo produce for years and always try to find grass fed beef when able. If we can support local and know our farmers that’s even better! When Land of Milk and Honey Farms came into our lives it was an amazing answer to unknown prayers. Plus, they are just the cutest and sweetest family!

The sirloin steak you see in the picture was from ourfriends at Land of Milk and Honey Farms. They introduced us to regenerativefarming and it is such an incredible concept. It takes grass fed to a whole newlevel. Seeing it in action was so fascinating.If you have never heard of regenerative farming it is on the basis of “do no harm” to the land but not only that itactually improves it, using technologies that regenerate and revitalize thesoil and the environment. “Regenerative agriculture leads to healthy soil,capable of producing high quality, nutrient dense food while simultaneouslyimproving, rather than degrading land, and ultimately leading to productivefarms and healthy communities and economies. It is a dynamic and holistic, incorporatingpermaculture and organic farming practices, including conservation tillage,cover crops, crop rotation, composting, mobile animal shelters and pasturecropping, to increase food production, farmers’ income and especially, topsoil.”https://regenerationinternational.org/why-regenerative-agriculture/
We have had beef, eggs, andchicken from their farm and it’s been amazing! There’s just something abouteating meat and eggs from a place you know exactly how they are taken care of.
I will post what they have on their website about the grass fed beef, but take a look around to learn more about them and if you are local check them out! If you aren’t local search for place near you that practices regenerative farming. It’s an incredible concept. https://www.landofmilkandhoneyfarms.com/
“We raise our beef on an intensely managed rotation ofvaried pastures. They enjoy a fresh selection of grasses and clovers dailymoving away from yesterday’s waste.
This rotation mimics what is seen in nature. The buffalomoved daily from location to location, driven by predators and changing ofseasons. This allowed the grasses to have plenty of time to recover and comeback stronger and more diverse for the next season.
Not only does this benefit the land, as animals mow andfertilize each section, but it also greatly benefits the animals. A cow ishealthiest when it can consume a variety of grasses and legumes allowing for acomplete diet. Because they are tightly rotated, they must eat all of theirdinner, including their vegetables!
The other benefit to them moving daily is the avoidance ofpathogens. They leave their freshly fertilized field behind for 31 days. Thisdisrupts pathogen cycles.
The cows also have free and total access to clean, freshwater and a selection of minerals to complete their diet. This results inhealthy cows that are appropriately filled out and marbled as beef is supposedto be. Our cows eat grass their entire lives and are never finished with corn,soy, or other fillers. 100% grass fed and grass finished beef is the only kindwe raise and sell.
Our beef is sold as whole beef, ½ beef, ¼ beef, and 1/8 beef sizes aswell as single retail cuts such as roast or steak for those interested intrying a smaller amount. Please see the Beef Packages page for details.”