A few tips to get kids to eat well!
People always ask me how we got Elijah to eat so well. It hasn’t always been easy. He started out as a super picky child not really liking anything as an infant to eventually living on Applegate Farms chicken nuggets at 9 months.He now eats a variety of food and has a few things he just doesn’t like, like mushrooms. I love them so you better believe they go in about everything. 🙈 He either eats them if they are tiny and mixed in or he’ll pick them out. I won’t make him separate meals and he needs to take a few bites of each thing. Over time he’s come to like so much!
Another thing that has helped us a great deal as Elijah has gotten older is him helping us cook. He takes pride in what we made and it translates to him eating better.This article by ”The Domestic Man” is incredible and one I’ve referenced many times. https://thedomesticman.com/…/turning-your-kids-into-real-f…/Also, this post was on "Feeding Littles" yesterday and it is perfect! With the rise in childhood obesity we need to get away from regularly feeding kids “kid friendly food” that is oftentimes highly processed and far from nutritious.

- Serving the same foods over and over actually make young eaters more selective. Variety is KING {errr, QUEEN} in the food game!
- Don’t give up! The only way to expand your tot’s palate is to continue to offer them a variety of new foods, even if you’re 99% sure they won’t try them. Offering a small serving - even one piece - is what matters.
- Eat with your child and make sure to eat the foods you want them to eat! No pressure, no bribery, no focusing on what they should eat or why.
- Enjoy mealtime no matter what your tyke eats! Your child will pick up on stress around food.
- Have a baby? You can really help prevent serious feeding issues by continually offering variety. Let your baby get messy and explore all types of foods, and start to implement the mealtime routine, language around food, and food play.